Just tell – You are fine the way you are!


Just believe – You are fine the way you are! 

I´m still exploring the Autism Planet with recognition, affiliation, truth, but also lots of tears, anger, sadness, pain. A Deep pain! I have learned so much the last months, and I can see things much more clearly. But this is a process. A process who needs time. 41 years in rewind! A life in rewind! 

I must admit, the research in Great Britain is much more developed than here in Germany! So the video below is once more an English one. And a side kick; my english is improving too! Why do I write in english? Because I like to!

More autistic research video

Go looking for the lost girls!


Today´s lesson: creative writing!

I would have been loving this! I watched this video below, and it causes so many emotions from the past, sadly! First I have to say, what an innovative school! And this should be so much more often, not only for autistic people! I wished I had someone who had the understanding, open eyes and heart at that time! So that is what happened at the age of nearly 40, I found out, that I´m on the spectrum too! And believe me, that´s no picnic by any means! And to all out there who laughed at me, hated me, bullied me, did not believe in me, marginalized me, ignored me, insulted me…. Thank you for teaching me, that I could never be, and want to be like this! Yes, this words are harsh, but the world is harsh out there every day!

Now I´m realizing slowly that all my acting, all my thinking is relating to this…. I wished I had a school like this at this age. The fact is, we are so so far behind with all in autism research and implementation, especially for autistic girls and women. 

Have a look at this special school in the U.K.

And I ask you, do they act anti-social and without empathy? I would say no! I still hear and see this prejudice exists, and this must change! 


Incineration must take place!
Tolerance must take place!
Love for the different must take place! 
Change must take place!


And you want it more emotional…! Watch this till the end!                                             # Because sometimes, your dream can become true! 


Hello, here is Post Punk from Dublin, with a hint of Ian and Joy Division!


Fontaines D.C.


Sie waren Vorband von Idles, haben schon eine eingeschworene Fanbase, sind hochgradig authentisch, ihr Debüt Album ist draussen und dieser Satz könnte noch viel länger so weiter gehen, tut er aber nicht!

Kurz um, eine neue, weitere Lieblingsband auch für mich! Unter dem Motto: Postpunk isn´t dead, it is fucking real! A Voice of Dublin and Ireland, angry, poetic and sad.




Und noch hier, # Angeber Modus!

Als ich dieses unten verlinkte Video gesehen habe hat es mich dermaßen gefreut zu sehen wo es gedreht wurde. Ich weiss ganz genau wo das ist, welche Strasse in Dublin. Den ich bin da schon einige Male vorbei und durchgelaufen, es ist eine kleine Paralellstrasse zur O´Connell Street nicht weit entfernt von The Spire, genau im Zentrum von Dublin! Ein Stück Sehnsucht erblüht gerade in meinem Herzen ………………………………………………….




Ein Foto von mir!

New song from Idles & New album from The National



A good day for music!!!

This new released song, from the band Idles, is so damn good!



Forgive my crippled head

Our revolution’s dead


And I´m so fine, that I already saw them live, in 2017! Once again in the Karltorbahnhof in Heidelberg. And that was so very intimate at this small location. Well, I could even shout into the guitarist´s microphone because he mingled with the audience!

And I was so very much into the music! I think, that is also a good autistic thing, you can fall so much into, you feel it so very much! And that´s how it looked then, Me, the crazy rabbit! 



The new album from the National is out today, and they will play in Stuttgart in December. That are good news, that makes me happy!

If you wanna be alone, come with me



And last but not least…this for me the crazy dancing rabbit! Yes!



Meine Mut zur Wut Beiträge



Ich habe diese Jahr wieder am Wettbewerb teilgenommen, und wie ich inzwischen weiss, bin ich auch dieses mal nicht unter den Auserwählten! 3120 Poster von 1520 Teilnehmern aus 66 Ländern! 30 davon wurden ausgewählt die wieder gedruckt werden weitere 70 gehen mit auf Ausstellung. 



We are watching you




The Brexit Maze


Watch  : )

Translation in progress





Und auch ich ging hinaus und weinte Buttermilch, in Irland im schönen Irland!

James Joyce lässt grüßen

Kürzlich zog es mich erneut auf die grüne Insel, mit einem weiteren Abstecher in den Norden, wo leider aktuell die – Troubles – wieder aufkochen!



