We all change, when you think about it. We’re all different people all through our lives and that’s okay, that’s good you’ve got to keep moving so long as you remember all the people that you used to be.”
The Eleventh Doctor, The Time of The DoctorOne week to go!
And I´m very excited, and it doesn´t matter if it´s a woman or not!
And yet, it is an important change, and I like this!
Out there, the same and different!
The morning came, before the evening went,
as I hung there, at an invisible thread.
And I looked up, into the dark, and into the bright,
of this exceptional day, and this infrequent night.
Whatever happened, or will happen,
equally they face each other,
in promise reverent and kind.
And I, some tiny underneath,
I laughed aloud, and I cried quiet brief.
I absorbed everything around, for a fusion inside.
And still, the light shone before the darkness disappeared.
by Andrea Edwell
….to be continued.
One of the coolest performances, ever!
OK Go ist eine Band aus Amerika die schon vor etlichen Jahren (1998) in Chicago gegründet wurde! Sie sind vor allem bekannt für ihre überaus kreativen Musikvideos, die sie bis heute immer wieder aufs Neue abliefern.
Am 31. August 2006 durften Sie bei den MTV Video Music Awards auftreten. Unvergessen zeigten sie: eines der coolsten Darbietungen die es jemals dort zu sehen gab!
Joy as an Act of Resistance.
Joy as an Act of Resistance is a parade.
It’s a parade of laughing at the funeral, of listening to the bastards, of phlegm on the mirror.
It’s a parade of my Grandfather’s wit, it is all the shit haircuts I’ve ever had.
It is a parade of naivety, of a warm embrace, it is Young Thug’s dress.
It’s the parade of being carried through the grim dark.
It’s a parade of laughing at yourself. It is love. It is loving yourself.
It is a parade of Tony Benn’s smile.
It is Idles, for now. It’s the beautiful smell of immigrant food.
It is a parade of vulnerability. It is Ilie Nastase
It’s a parade of being at your worst. It is our best, for now.
It is our thank you. It is our sorry.
It is a parade without fluff
but with a tonne of glitter and violence.
It is a parade of what I truly miss and what I truly have.
It is a parade of the second album. It is us cutting it’s fucking head off.
It is a parade of joy in the face of all we don’t want and all we fear.
It is a parade of you.
Joe Talbot, IDLES