Reise durch Ecuador


Das Jahr neigt sich dem Ende zu, und mit Freude erinnere ich mich an eine tolle Zeit auf Reisen. Im November war ich einige Zeit durch Ecuador unterwegs!  Es war auf jeden Fall eine erlebnisreiche, schöne und nachwirkende Zeit, die ich nicht missen möchte! Hier erstmal eine kleine Auswahl an Fotos, mehr werden folgen!



Find the way!





I have found a new autism video, which gives me a lot to think about! And hopefully others are inspired to do as well!

The title is a bit harsh, but they are further in their research. It´s a different point of view! And this women is so true when she says she is possibly less disabled by herself, then much more by the environment!

And by the way: I need one of those shirts! #LOVE!!!



The National in Stuttgart



It was memorable!

Watch the end of the concert, with the song – Vanderlyle Crybaby Geeks-



All the very best of us

String ourselves up for love

Bliss can be found in sadness!



And sadness can be found in bliss! 



Bald ist es soweit! The National spielen in Stuttgart! 



This is one of my favorites, and I hope they will play some of the good “old” classics?!

One of the best recorded concerts ever, and  with other favorites of mine,  such as – Don´t swallow the cap – and – Squalor Victoria – !